Adventures in UNIX

Unix is simple. It just takes a genius to understand its simplicity.

— Dennis Ritchie


Well Howdy! Welcome to Adventures in UNIX, this is basically a web-log on UNIX related topics, SysAdmin-ing, and more!

Feel free to look around, poke a bit, and marvel at the flawlessness of UNIX.

Oh, you mean me?

Name's Chatranga "Lina" Ranasingha. I hail from the sunny island of Sri Lanka, and Computers are my passion. I'm a great fan of UNIX, Linux and the Open Source movement.


Your blog is weird

The reason I have this links-to-posts-instead-of-post-content-on-the-front-page type of design is simply because I'm trying to make this web-log friendly for text-browsers. It may seem stupid to most people, but IMO it's good to provide for those people as well.

I also like to keep my sites minimalist, dunno why, but that's just the way I like it. Also, this is supposed to be a log to myself and a learning point for others who are likewise.

Copyright 2013 Ranasingha Aarachchigee Sisikoshal Chatranga Ranasingha (ChipOManiac)

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